
Date News reference
24.02.2025 Notice: Only Two Weeks Left to Collect Insured Deposit Compensation for Sberbank CZ Clients
21.01.2025 The payout of insured deposits to Sberbank CZ clients is nearing its conclusion, with just a few weeks remaining. Over a quarter of a billion Czech korunas still await their rightful owners.
14.01.2025 Daniel Nový joins the Guarantee System as its Senior Lawyer
21.08.2024 Deposit insurance after the merger of Banka Creditas and Max banka
08.08.2024 Financial Market Guarantee System to Conclude Deposit Compensation Payout to Clients of Československé úvěrní družstvo
02.08.2024 Information on the License Revocation of České spořitelní družstvo
31.07.2024 Finance Minister Appoints Dušan Baran as New Member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
11.07.2024 Announcement to Clients of Československé úvěrní družstvo in Liquidation: The Financial Market Guarantee System Will Cease Payout of Deposit Compensation
17.06.2024 Banks to Contribute Less to Guarantee System in 2024 as Funds Reach EU-Mandated Levels
24.04.2024 Announcement of the Financial Market Guarantee System regarding the payment of contribution to the Deposit Insurance Fund in 2024 in the form of irrevocable payment commitments
10.04.2024 The Guarantee System recovered most of the funds from the payout of Sberbank CZ clients. Other creditors have a similar right.
12.03.2024 In Czechia, the majority of citizens are cautious with their savings, ensuring they remain within the deposit insurance coverage limit
05.03.2024 Funds from Sberbank CZ clients´ compensations are being returned to the Deposit Insurance Fund
09.01.2024 Minister of Finance reappointed Monika Zahálková as a member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
01.09.2023 New member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
17.07.2023 Changes to the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
12.06.2023 Jiří Hrabovský appointed new senior lawyer at the Guarantee System
25.04.2023 Announcement of the Financial Market Guarantee system regarding the payment of contribution to the Deposit Insurance Fund in 2023 in the form of irrevocable payment commitments
23.02.2023 One year after the Sberbank CZ collapse, more than CZK 25 billion has been paid out to depositors
22.11.2022 Your life savings under your pillow? A survey shows that Czechs have long ago started switching to savings accounts
19.10.2022 Czechs trust banks. And are not afraid of bank failures, a survey shows
20.09.2022 Deposit insurance after the purchase of Expobank CZ by Banka Creditas
09.09.2022 Half a year after the collapse of Sberbank CZ
11.08.2022 One year since the commencement of ČSÚD payouts: Over 96 percent of insured deposit compensation has been paid out
10.08.2022 Contributions to the Financial Market Guarantee System have increased again. Financial institutions have paid over six billion crowns
27.06.2022 The Financial Market Guarantee System is to commence the payout of increased compensation for insured deposits at Sberbank CZ, a.s.
08.06.2022 Announcement of the Financial Market Guarantee System regarding the payment of contribution to the Deposit Insurance Fund in 2022 in the form of irrevocable payment commitments
11.05.2022 Sberbank CZ has gone into liquidation
26.04.2022 Information from the Financial Market Guarantee System: the deadline for the delivery of requests for the payout of increased compensation for Sberbank CZ clients is 28 April 2022
21.04.2022 On 22 April, 2022, the Financial Market Guarantee System will commence the payout of compensation for deposits to the institutional clients of the bankrupt Sberbank CZ, a.s. through the branch network of Komerční banka
11.04.2022 Escrow account payouts are continuing. The Guarantee System has provided another portion of data to the paying bank
30.03.2022 Information for insolvency administrators with accounts of bankruptcy estates of insolvent debtors under the debt relief regime at Sberbank
28.03.2022 News about Sberbank CZ deposit compensation payouts
21.03.2022 Announcement by the Financial Market Guarantee System regarding the payout of compensation for deposits to institutional clients of Sberbank CZ, a.s.
17.03.2022 Information for clients of Sberbank CZ, a.s.: Erroneous information contained in a letter from the Financial Market Guarantee System. The letter is for information only and does not impact client claims
16.03.2022 On 16 March 2022, the Financial Market Guarantee System will commence paying out compensation for deposits held on escrow accounts with Sberbank CZ
08.03.2022 The Financial Market Guarantee System will begin the payout of basic deposit compensation to clients of Sberbank CZ tomorrow, 9 March.
04.03.2022 On March 9, 2022, the Financial Market Guarantee System will commence the payout of basic compensation for deposits to the clients of Sberbank CZ, a.s. through the branch network of Komerční banka
04.03.2022 Call for Requests for Increased Compensation for Insured Deposits with Sberbank CZ, a.s.
28.02.2022 The Financial Market Guarantee System received the Czech National Bank Notification on the inability of Sberbank CZ, a.s. to meet its obligations to entitled persons. The payout of deposit compensation will start within seven (7) business days.
25.02.2022 Reaction to the increasing number of questions about deposit insurance of Sberbank CZ, a. s. and Expobank CZ, a. s
13.01.2022 High yield with low risk. A survey shows that secondary school students expect the impossible from the financial market
02.12.2021 Deposit insurance after the merger of Equa bank with Raiffeisenbank
14.10.2021 Compensation payments for Československé úvěrní družstvo clients are in full swing. The Financial Market Guarantee System has already paid out most of the deposit compensation
06.10.2021 Contributions to the Financial Market Guarantee System also grew this year. Financial institutions paid over five and a half billion crowns
01.09.2021 The Minister of Finance Appoints a New Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
11.08.2021 The Financial Market Guarantee System has commenced deposit compensation payout to Československé úvěrní družstvo clients
05.08.2021 On August 11, 2021, the Financial Market Guarantee System will commence the payout of basic compensation for deposits to the clients of the Československé úvěrní družstvo
02.08.2021 Minister of Finance Appoints a New Member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
02.08.2021 The Financial Market Guarantee System received the Czech National Bank Notification on the inability of Československé úvěrní družstvo to meet its obligations to entitled persons
10.05.2021 Announcement of the Financial Market Guarantee System regarding the payment of contribution to the Deposit Insurance Fund in 2021 in the form of irrevocable payment commitments
20.04.2021 Financial Market Guarantee System Enters into New Agreement. Payout of Deposit Compensation to be Handled by Komerční banka, a.s.
07.01.2021 The Minister of Finance reappoints the Chairman and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Market Guarantee System
15.09.2020 Contributions to the Financial Market Guarantee System are constantly growing. This year, financial institutions have paid nearly five billion Czech crowns
11.08.2020 Financial Market Guarantee System has launched a new website that complies with accessibility rules
07.07.2020 Deposit insurance after the acquisition of Wüstenrot by the MONETA group
22.05.2017 Czech National Bank grants its first licence to a branch of a bank registred outside the EU
17.10.2016 Notification to clients of ERB Bank, a.s.: The Financial Market Guarantee system will start the payout of basic compensation for deposit claims on 20 October 2016 through selected branches of Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Date News reference