For Media
Under the Act No 374/2015 Coll., on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution, on 1st January 2016, the Deposit Insurance Fund was transformed into the Financial Market Guarantee System (“Guarantee System” or “FMGS”).
The Guarantee System administers client deposit insurance –it has therefore taken over the role the Deposit Insurance Fund had until 2015. The Guarantee System also administers the Crisis Resolution Fund . Deposit Insurance Fund and Crisis Resolution Fund are accounting units of the Guarantee System.
Deposit insurance covers particularly credit balances on current, term and deposit accounts or savings books, certified by a certificate of deposit, deposit notes or other similar documents. The Guarantee System guarantees deposit compensation for deposits held at banks, building savings banks, or cooperative credit unions with their registered office in the Czech Republic and branches of banks with their registered office outside EU in the amount of 100% of the aggregate sum of deposits, up to a maximum basic compensation of EUR 100,000 for a client per bank. In certain legally defined cases, the compensation can be even higher. Deposits held at the branches of foreign banks with registered office in the EU country that are active in the Czech Republic are insured by the foreign bank’s home country deposit insurance system. The potential payout of deposit compensation for clients of these banks will be performed by the Guarantee System according to the instructions and at the expense of the home deposit insurance scheme.
The Guarantee System is managed by the Board of Directors appointed and recalled by the Minister of Finance, and by the three-member Management Board that has the role of statutory body.
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For more information, please contact:
Ing. Renáta Kadlecová
Managing Director
Tel.: (+420) 237 762 796
Zdeňka Učňová
AC&C Public Relations
Tel.:(+420) 736 751 168
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Renáta Kadlecová - Managing Director